Surgery means being patient and disciplined while constantly working

    at high performance and never being able to say (it's me). Op.Dr. Hakan Bayri


    KVKK Information Text
    1. Data Controller

    Your personal data, as the data controller, Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk. OP located at No: 20, 06530 Çankaya / ANKARA. DR. By HAKAN BAYRİ, the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), the Regulation on Personal Health Data and other relevant legislative provisions and the T.R. It is processed within the scope of the Ministry of Health and relevant authority regulations and within the framework of this Information Text on the Processing of Patient and Patient Relative Personal Data ("Information Text").

    OP, who is the “Data Controller”. DR. HAKAN BAYRİ corporate identity information is as follows:

    Head Office Address: Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk. No: 20, 06530 Çankaya / ANKARA

    Phone: +90 537 022 15 42

    Website : www.hakanbayri.com

    Email Address: info@hakanbayri.com

    KISS. DR. HAKAN BAYRİ adopts the principle of 'protection of patient privacy' while providing healthcare services, and in this context, respects the privacy of both its patients and their relatives and their rights regarding the protection of their personal data. In this vein, OP. DR. HAKAN BAYRİ processes your personal data in accordance with all legislative provisions regarding the protection of personal data, especially KVKK, ensures that your data is hosted securely and takes all necessary security measures against possible unlawful access. This Information Text explains the extent to which your personal data collected within the framework of the services offered by our practice are processed.

    2. Method of Collection of Your Personal Data and Legal Reasons for Processing

    Your personal data may be collected by OP.DR HAKAN BAYRİ through fully or partially automated or non-automatic means, provided that it is part of any data recording system, patient registration transactions, printed forms and surveys in our practice, from electronic and/or physical environments, examinations performed by the doctor, Within the scope of medical tests/examinations and other communication with the Doctor and our other personnel, the information management system of the Doctor's office, the Doctor's website, communication channels, e-mail, telephone, fax, other online and/or offline electronic communication platforms, cargo / public through mail, social media accounts, health institutions we cooperate with due to consultation or services you receive, laboratories we cooperate with and their integrated systems, authorized public institutions and private organizations and their integrated systems and other methods (channels) that may be added to them in the future. processing by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality, for the purpose of protecting health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing, clearly foreseen in the laws, establishment or execution of a contract, legitimate interest, Explicit consent is collected within the scope of personal data processing conditions (legal reasons) if there is a legal obligation, establishment, exercise or protection of a right, or your personal data being made public within the framework of your contacts through social media accounts.

    3. Your Processed Personal Data Categories and Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

    Your personal and special personal data included in the registration form, especially your health data:

    Your identity information (Name, Surname, TR Identity Number and/or passport number and/or temporary TR Identity Number, place and/or date of birth, marital status, gender, health insurance, profession, insurance card number, workplace registry and/or patient identification number and other identification data that can identify you)

    Your contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address and other contact data, as well as your personal data obtained when you contact us via e-mail, letter and/or other means;

    Your financial data such as bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, billing and billing information;

    For the purpose of financing and planning health services, your private health insurance data and payer institution information data such as the Social Security Institution;

    During and/or as a part of the performance of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, including but not limited to patient medical reports, diagnostic data, biometric and genetic data, laboratory results, test results, examination data, doctor analysis and comments, appointment information, prescription information. All kinds of health information and data obtained as a result;

    If you contacted the call center, your voice call recording

    If you have used the parking lot and valet service, your vehicle license plate information

    Your notifications such as surveys, thank you letters, complaint letters, satisfaction results

    It includes your personal data, including your IP address, cookies and other personal data obtained during the use of our website and mobile applications, your navigation data obtained during use, and your medical data that you transmit with your consent through the mobile application;

    Your personal data may be recorded within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and in accordance with the Regulation on the Processing and Ensuring the Privacy of Personal Health Data, and your personal data may be processed in our archives in a proportionate manner and in connection with the purposes specified in Article 4, and the person, institution specified in Article 5. and can be transferred to organizations.

    Your personal data/personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

    Identification and verification in order to prevent your personal data from being acquired by others,

    Protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing,

    Procurement of medicines and/or medical supplies and/or devices specific to you,

    In case you make an appointment, being able to inform you about the appointment, provide information and/or appointment reminder

    Sharing and responding to information obtained with the Ministry of Health, special information management systems related to the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the legislation,

    Sharing and authenticating information requested by contracted institutions/organizations, especially private insurance companies, within the scope of financing health services (if you have private health insurance AND IF YOU USE YOUR PRIVATE INSURANCE)

    Issuing invoices for the services we provide,

    To analyze your use of health services and store your health data for the purpose of developing and improving the health services we provide to you, and to respond to your questions or complaints about our services.

    Providing the necessary information in line with the requests and inspections of regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities,

    To preserve information regarding your health data that must be kept in accordance with the relevant legislation,


    To carry out special promotional and informational activities for you and to ensure that you benefit, and to contact you for the purpose of informing you about our services.

    These include, but are not limited to, the execution and development of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, increasing patient satisfaction, research and related reasons.

    Your personal data/personal data obtained and processed in accordance with the relevant legislation, OP. DR. It belongs to HAKAN BAYRİ or OP.DR. It can be preserved both digitally and physically by being transferred to HAKAN BAYRİ's physical archives and/or information systems.

    4. Transfer of Your Personal Data to Third Parties Domestic and Abroad

    Within the doctor's office/clinic, your personal data can only be accessed to the extent necessary to fulfill their duties by our employees who have limited access to authorization for the purposes detailed above.

    On the other hand, your collected personal data may be processed in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK, if it is clearly stipulated in the law, legitimate interest, legal obligation, establishment, exercise or protection of a right, protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services. Within the scope of express consent personal data processing conditions (legal reasons) in case of processing by persons under the obligation of confidentiality or authorized institutions and organizations for the purpose of execution, planning and management of health services and financing:

    Persons/institutions and/or persons permitted by the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359, Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Subsidiaries, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, Regulation on the Processing and Ensuring the Privacy of Personal Health Data and other relevant legislative provisions. or organizations;

    • To our suppliers, potential suppliers and their employees (e.g. social security, certified public accountants and legal consultants, information technologies and data hosting service providers, service providers in terms of appointments and meetings) for the purpose of providing products and/or services in terms of carrying out doctor's office/clinic activities. platforms)

    • Accompanying the patient by providing information about the patient's health status, delivery of the patient's personal belongings / medications, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, especially the KVKK, Patient Rights Regulation, Regulation on Personal Health Data, in case of medical necessity, court decision or permission of the patient / legal heirs. To the patient's family members/relatives, companions, attorneys or legal representatives and other permitted third parties for the purposes of receiving and delivering and carrying out payment transactions,

    • To banks, contracted private health or complementary insurance companies or contracted institutions and organizations for the purpose of planning or carrying out financial and accounting affairs and insurance transactions related to health services,

    • To our business partners, potential business partners and their employees (e.g. contracted laboratories and pharmaceutical warehouses), for the purpose of ensuring business continuity and establishing potential collaborations within the scope of the services provided by the doctor in the doctor's office/clinic,

    • To institutions to which patients are referred/transferred, other health institutions, doctors and healthcare personnel, and domestic/international laboratories in order to carry out medical diagnosis and treatment processes in the most accurate way and to receive consultation,

    • To the extent permitted by the legislation, social media platforms, agencies, press/publication bodies and persons who have access to such content for purposes such as planning or carrying out corporate communication activities, publishing scientific publications, and

    • It may be transferred to legally authorized organizations and private persons (e.g., Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Directorates, other units affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Turkish Republic Social Security Institution, courts) for the purposes of fulfilling the legal obligations of the Practice/Clinic and following up on legal affairs.

    With domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives from whom we contractually receive services and/or provide services and cooperate with, in order to carry out our activities.

    With the legal representatives we have authorized and from whom we receive consultancy, including the lawyers, consultants and auditors we work with.

    With domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives from whom we contractually receive services and/or provide services and cooperate with, in order to carry out our activities.

    It can be shared with legal representatives you have authorized.


    5. Duration of Processing of Your Personal Data

    Your personal data obtained during our practice/clinic activities will be processed in accordance with the general principles and procedures specified in the policies and procedures regarding storage and destruction of our practice/clinic, which are prepared in accordance with the Constitution, KVKK, the Regulation on Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data and other relevant legislation. It is stored and disposed of in accordance with regulations.

    In this context, your personal data will be destroyed if all of the personal data processing conditions in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK are eliminated. Accordingly, your personal data will continue to be processed during the legal statute of limitations following the termination of your relationship with our practice/clinic. Your personal data processed based on express consent personal data processing condition will be destroyed in the first destruction period if you withdraw your explicit consent. In terms of your requests regarding the destruction of your personal data, we kindly request you to review the 6th section of this Information Text.

    6. Your Rights Under KVKK

    We hereby inform you that, as a personal data owner, you have the following rights in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK:

    • Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,

    • Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,

    • Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

    • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

    • Requesting correction of your personal data if it has been processed incompletely or incorrectly, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

    • Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in case the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, even though it has been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, and requesting that the transactions made in this context and if your personal data have been processed incompletely or incorrectly be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

    • Object to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the person by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automatic systems,

    • Request compensation for damages in case of damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

    In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, your request, which includes the necessary information to identify you and your explanations regarding your right to exercise the rights specified in Article 11 of KVKK No. 6698, can be sent to Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk., in the clarification text, through a notary. You can send it to our address located at No: 20, 06530 Çankaya/Ankara; or you can send it personally to our address with documents and information that identify you, or you can send it via e-mail to info@hakanbayri.com with a secure electronic signature.

    Depending on the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest; However, if the process requires an additional cost, you may be charged according to the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

    * We would like to remind you that any special personal data (e.g. religious information or blood type information) should not be included within the scope of the documents in question.

    7–Cases in which Personal Data/Personal Data Can Be Processed Without Explicit Consent Pursuant to KVKK:

    In accordance with Article 5 of the KVKK and Article 7 of the Regulation, the following personal data may be processed without your explicit consent in the following cases:

    In cases clearly provided for by law,

    If you, as the data owner, are unable to express your consent due to actual impossibility, or in cases where your consent is not given legal validity, it is necessary to process your personal data in order to protect your own or someone else's life or physical integrity,

    It is necessary to process your personal data/personal data belonging to the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract,

    It is mandatory to fulfill a legal obligation,

    Your personal data/personal data has been made public by you,

    Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,

    Personal health data; It may be processed without the express consent of the person concerned by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality, for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing, and may be processed by the relevant institution in accordance with the law and relevant regulations. and can be transferred to organizations.

    Patient / Legal Representative of the Patient / Guardian of the Patient / Child Who Does Not Have the Power to Discriminate Parents of the Patients / Other Relatives of the Patient

    I have read and accept the entire Information Text above.


    (I read it in your handwriting, I understand it, I accept it, please write)




    This section must be filled in by persons other than the patient mentioned above.

    Name surname      :

    The degree of proximity  :

    History      :

    Signature                         :

    1. Data Controller

    Your personal data, as the data controller, Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk. OP.DR located at No: 20, 06530 Çankaya/Ankara. By HAKAN BAYRİ, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), Regulation on Personal Health Data and other relevant legislative provisions and T.R. It is processed within the scope of the Ministry of Health and relevant authority regulations and within the framework of this Information Text on the Processing of Patient and Patient Relative Personal Data ("Information Text").

    OP.DR, the “Data Controller”. HAKAN BAYRİ's corporate identity information is as follows:

    Head Office Address: Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk. No: 20, 06530 Çankaya/Ankara

    Phone: +90 537 022 15 42

    Website : www.hakanbayri.com

    Email Address : info@hakanbayri.com

    OP.DR. HAKAN BAYRİ adopts the principle of 'protection of patient privacy' while providing health services, and in this context, respects the privacy of both its patients and their relatives and their rights regarding the protection of their personal data. In this regard, OP.DR. HAKAN BAYRİ processes your personal data in accordance with all legislative provisions regarding the protection of personal data, especially KVKK, ensures that your data is hosted securely and takes all necessary security measures against possible unlawful access. This Information Text explains the extent to which your personal data collected within the framework of the services offered by our practice are processed.

    2. Method of Collection of Your Personal Data and Legal Reasons for Processing

    Your personal data, OP.DR. HAKAN BAYRİ conducts patient registration processes, printed forms and surveys, examinations performed by the Doctor, medical tests/examinations in our office from electronic and/or physical environments, through fully or partially automatic or non-automatic means, provided that it is a part of any data recording system, and the Doctor's and other communications you make with our staff, the information management system of the Doctor's office, the Doctor's website, communication channels, e-mail, telephone, fax, other online and/or offline electronic communication platforms, cargo / mail, our social media accounts. , protection of public health, preventive medicine, through the health institutions we cooperate with due to consultation or services you receive, the laboratories we cooperate with and their integrated systems, authorized public institutions and private organizations and their integrated systems, and other methods (channels) that may be added to them in the future. Processing by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality for the purpose of carrying out medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, clearly foreseen in the law, establishment or execution of a contract, legitimate interest, legal obligation, establishment of a right Explicit consent is collected within the scope of personal data processing conditions (legal reasons) if your personal data is made public within the framework of your contacts through social media accounts.

    3. Your Processed Personal Data Categories and Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

    Your personal and special personal data included in the registration form, especially your health data:

    Your identity information (Name, Surname, TR Identity Number and/or passport number and/or temporary TR Identity Number, place and/or date of birth, marital status, gender, health insurance, profession, insurance card number, workplace registry and/or patient identification number and other identification data that can identify you)

    Your contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address and other contact data, as well as your personal data obtained when you contact us via e-mail, letter and/or other means;

    Your financial data such as bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, billing and billing information;

    For the purpose of financing and planning health services, your private health insurance data and payer institution information data such as the Social Security Institution;

    During and/or as a part of the performance of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, including but not limited to patient medical reports, diagnostic data, biometric and genetic data, laboratory results, test results, examination data, doctor analysis and comments, appointment information, prescription information. All kinds of health information and data obtained as a result;

    If you contacted the call center, your voice call recording

    If you have used the parking lot and valet service, your vehicle license plate information

    Your notifications such as surveys, thank you letters, complaint letters, satisfaction results

    It includes your personal data, including your IP address, cookies and other personal data obtained during the use of our website and mobile applications, your navigation data obtained during use, and your medical data that you transmit with your consent through the mobile application;

    Your personal data may be recorded within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and in accordance with the Regulation on the Processing and Ensuring the Privacy of Personal Health Data, and your personal data may be processed in our archives in a proportionate manner and in connection with the purposes specified in Article 4, and the person, institution specified in Article 5. and can be transferred to organizations.

    Your personal data/personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

    Identification and verification in order to prevent your personal data from being acquired by others,

    Protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing,

    Procurement of medicines and/or medical supplies and/or devices specific to you,

    In case you make an appointment, being able to inform you about the appointment, provide information and/or appointment reminder

    Sharing and responding to information obtained with the Ministry of Health, special information management systems related to the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations in accordance with the legislation,

    Sharing and authenticating information requested by contracted institutions/organizations, especially private insurance companies, within the scope of financing health services (if you have private health insurance AND IF YOU USE YOUR PRIVATE INSURANCE)

    Issuing invoices for the services we provide,

    To analyze your use of health services and store your health data for the purpose of developing and improving the health services we provide to you, and to respond to your questions or complaints about our services.

    Providing the necessary information in line with the requests and inspections of regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities,

    To preserve information regarding your health data that must be kept in accordance with the relevant legislation,

    To carry out special promotional and informational activities for you and to ensure that you benefit, and to contact you for the purpose of informing you about our services.

    These include, but are not limited to, the execution and development of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, increasing patient satisfaction, research and related reasons.

    Your personal data/personal data obtained and processed in accordance with the relevant legislation, OP. DR. Belonging to HAKAN BAYRİ or OP. DR. It can be preserved both digitally and physically by being transferred to HAKAN BAYRİ's physical archives and/or information systems.

    4. Transfer of Your Personal Data to Third Parties Domestic and Abroad

    Within the doctor's office/clinic, your personal data can only be accessed to the extent necessary to fulfill their duties by our employees who have limited access to authorization for the purposes detailed above.

    On the other hand, your collected personal data may be processed in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK, if it is clearly stipulated in the law, legitimate interest, legal obligation, establishment, exercise or protection of a right, protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services. Within the scope of express consent personal data processing conditions (legal reasons) in case of processing by persons under the obligation of confidentiality or authorized institutions and organizations for the purpose of execution, planning and management of health services and financing:

    Persons/institutions and/or persons permitted by the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359, Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Subsidiaries, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, Regulation on the Processing and Ensuring the Privacy of Personal Health Data and other relevant legislative provisions. or organizations;

    • To our suppliers, potential suppliers and their employees (e.g. social security, certified public accountants and legal consultants, information technologies and data hosting service providers, service providers in terms of appointments and meetings) for the purpose of providing products and/or services in terms of carrying out doctor's office/clinic activities. platforms)

    • Accompanying the patient by providing information about the patient's health status, delivery of the patient's personal belongings / medications, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, especially the KVKK, Patient Rights Regulation, Regulation on Personal Health Data, in case of medical necessity, court decision or permission of the patient / legal heirs. To the patient's family members/relatives, companions, attorneys or legal representatives and other permitted third parties for the purposes of receiving and delivering and carrying out payment transactions,

    • To banks, contracted private health or complementary insurance companies or contracted institutions and organizations for the purpose of planning or carrying out financial and accounting affairs and insurance transactions related to health services,

    • To our business partners, potential business partners and their employees (e.g. contracted laboratories and pharmaceutical warehouses), for the purpose of ensuring business continuity and establishing potential collaborations within the scope of the services provided by the doctor in the doctor's office/clinic,

    • To institutions to which patients are referred/transferred, other health institutions, doctors and healthcare personnel, and domestic/international laboratories in order to carry out medical diagnosis and treatment processes in the most accurate way and to receive consultation,

    • To the extent permitted by the legislation, social media platforms, agencies, press/publication bodies and persons who have access to such content for purposes such as planning or carrying out corporate communication activities, publishing scientific publications, and

    • It may be transferred to legally authorized organizations and private persons (e.g., Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Directorates, other units affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Turkish Republic Social Security Institution, courts) for the purposes of fulfilling the legal obligations of the Practice/Clinic and following up on legal affairs.

    With domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives from whom we contractually receive services and/or provide services and cooperate with, in order to carry out our activities.

    With the legal representatives we have authorized and from whom we receive consultancy, including the lawyers, consultants and auditors we work with.

    With domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives from whom we contractually receive services and/or provide services and cooperate with, in order to carry out our activities.

    It can be shared with legal representatives you have authorized.

    5. Duration of Processing of Your Personal Data

    Your personal data obtained during our practice/clinic activities will be processed in accordance with the general principles and procedures specified in the policies and procedures regarding storage and destruction of our practice/clinic, which are prepared in accordance with the Constitution, KVKK, the Regulation on Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data and other relevant legislation. It is stored and disposed of in accordance with regulations.

    In this context, your personal data will be destroyed if all of the personal data processing conditions in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK are eliminated. Accordingly, your personal data will continue to be processed during the legal statute of limitations following the termination of your relationship with our practice/clinic. Your personal data processed based on express consent personal data processing condition will be destroyed in the first destruction period if you withdraw your explicit consent. In terms of your requests regarding the destruction of your personal data, we kindly request you to review the 6th section of this Information Text.

    6. Your Rights Under KVKK

    We hereby inform you that, as a personal data owner, you have the following rights in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK:

    • Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,

    • Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,

    • Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

    • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

    • Requesting correction of your personal data if it has been processed incompletely or incorrectly, and requesting that the action taken in this context be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

    • Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in case the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, even though it has been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, and requesting that the transactions made in this context and if your personal data have been processed incompletely or incorrectly be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

    • Object to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to the person by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automatic systems,

    • Request compensation for damages in case of damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

    In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, your request, which includes the necessary information to identify you and your explanations regarding your right to exercise the rights specified in Article 11 of KVKK No. 6698, must be sent to Mustafa Kemal, 2156. Sk., in the clarification text, through a notary. You can send it to our address located at No: 20, 06530 Çankaya/Ankara; or you can send it personally to our address with documents and information that identify you, or you can send it via e-mail to info@hakanbayri.com with a secure electronic signature.

    Depending on the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest; However, if the process requires an additional cost, you may be charged according to the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

    * We would like to remind you that any special personal data (e.g. religious information or blood type information) should not be included within the scope of the documents in question.

    7–Cases in which Personal Data/Personal Data Can Be Processed Without Explicit Consent Pursuant to KVKK:

    In accordance with Article 5 of the KVKK and Article 7 of the Regulation, the following personal data may be processed without your explicit consent in the following cases:

    In cases clearly provided for by law,

    If you, as the data owner, are unable to express your consent due to actual impossibility, or in cases where your consent is not given legal validity, it is necessary to process your personal data in order to protect your own or someone else's life or physical integrity,

    It is necessary to process your personal data/personal data belonging to the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract,

    It is mandatory to fulfill a legal obligation,

    Your personal data/personal data has been made public by you,

    Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,

    Personal health data; It may be processed without the express consent of the person concerned by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality, for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, execution of treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and their financing, and may be processed by the relevant institution in accordance with the law and relevant regulations. and can be transferred to organizations.

    Patient / Legal Representative of the Patient / Guardian of the Patient / Child Who Does Not Have the Power to Discriminate Parents of the Patients / Other Relatives of the Patient

    I have read and accept the entire Information Text above.


    (I read it in your handwriting, I understand it, I accept it, please write)




    This section must be filled in by persons other than the patient mentioned above.

    Name surname     :

    The degree of proximity  :

    History     :

    Signature                         :