Anal Fistula

Anal Fistula


    Surgery means being patient and disciplined while constantly working

    at high performance and never being able to say (it's me). Op.Dr. Hakan Bayri

    Anal Fistula

    Perianal / Anal Abscess and Anal Fistula (Anal Abscess and Anal Fistula) Disease

    What are Anal Fistula and Anal Abscess Diseases? How do they occur?

    Infections in the anus region, defined as the anorectal region, appear as anal abscesses and anal fistulas, which are the chronic form of these abscesses.

    When the causes of anal abscesses are examined, the theory that is still accepted today is; dysfunctions in the glands responsible for the secretion of the fluid called mucus (secreted in the anal canal to provide lubrication and facilitate defecation during defecation) called the anal gland, which is located mostly between the inner and outer muscles of the anus, and anal abscesses occur as a result of the fluid accumulation between the muscles after the blockage of their channels and the infection with intense bacteria. We know that these abscess foci primarily direct towards the skin, where there is less resistance, and that anal fistulas form in the anus region, which should not be the normal anatomy.​

    What is the frequency of Anal Fistula disease in society?
    Do all Anal Abscesses turn into Anal Fistula?
    What diseases can cause anal fistula?
    What are the risk factors for the development of anal abscess?
    What is the clinical picture of a patient with anal abscess?
    What are the clinical findings of Anal Fistula Patients?
    How is Anal Fistula diagnosed?
    How is Anal Abscess and Anal Fistula treated?
    How to decide on the surgical option for Anal Fistula?
    What are the surgical options for Anal Fistula Disease?
    What is a Horseshoe Fistula?
    I have been diagnosed with Anal Fistula, what happens if I do not undergo surgery?
    What are the risks of Anal Fistula surgery?
